What Christmas Means To Me

Christmas is more than presents, food, and the only reason I go to church. I strongly believe that Christmas is about family and friends. I think Christmas is about spending time with the people that you love. Presents are nice and all, but I much rather sit down watching Die-Hard (Which, in my opinion, is the best Christmas movie ever. Come at me Jose!) with my family and family friends.

StockSnap / Pixabay

Who Outside Of Your Family Has Made A Difference In Your Life?

One person who isn’t in my family that made a big impact in my life is my shop teacher Mr. D. He has shown me what it’s like to care for a person. He is more than a teacher to me. He is my best friend, my partner in crime, and my big brother. I am so thankful to have him in my life.

congerdesign / Pixabay

90 Word Memoir

It was Friday. It was very warm all summer and I didn’t expect today to be any different. My grandparents and I were going to hang out.

“I have a surprise for you.”

“¿Qué Otro cachorro?”

“No exactamente.”

“Lo Que quieres decir no del todo.”

I saw my mother and the car of my dreams. My grandfather’s purple car.

“ARE YOU SERIOUS” I started jumping excitedly.

“Si, mi amor, it’s all yours, Just don’t crash it!!” My mom says handing me the keys.

I hurry inside and started the engine.

jennyfriedrichs / Pixabay